
Growing business is a tough job filled with critical choices. How should the business model evolve? What product development needs must be prioritized? Can a partnership with a supplier, distributor or even competitor accelerate the growth?

Unmanaged business scaling can be long, costly, and hazardous. Therefore, ex-change business growth services support business leaders with a flexible service offer.

100% Digital

Business coach in your pocket”. 

Access the library of on-line digital resources anywhere, anytime:

  • Deep dive with authentic blog articles packed with research, case studies and unconventional advice;

  • Fuel innovative thinking by taking an original and entertaining on-line course;

  • Get immediate answers with pragmatic free resources of tools on a wide variety of business topics (strategy, product, market, competition and many more).

These free or cost-efficient products are suitable for entrepreneurs looking for a fresh perspective to tackle non-critical business issues.


The best of both worlds”.

Combine personal interactions with digital or virtual deliverables for tailor-made solutions:

  • Attract the best partners, investors and talent with impactful pitch decks that showcase your value proposition;

  • Crystalize best industry practices in operational toolkits for your team;

  • Upskill with interactive workshops on complex business topics (strategy, partnerships, B2B sales, negotiations, leadership  and more)

These products and services are based on your inputs that are enhanced by Olga’s business expertise and creative touch. As a result, you will get customized visual assets and content, powerfully delivered. This option is most useful for startups and SMEs seeking to capitalize on compelling communication and training.


Only you”. 

Enjoy bespoke business services, crafted exclusively to fit your specific needs :

  • Gain competitive advantage with Olga’s proprietary coaching methodology merging your personal vision with the business trajectory;

  • Engage your audience with unique perspectives, humor and authenticity via speaking engagements, either on or off-line;

  • Benefit from Olga’s exceptional experience across multiple industries and geographies when she joins your Advisory Board.

This service portfolio is best suited for accomplished businesses who want to take their companies and teams to the next level of success.


How can I assess whether business coaching is right for me and my business?

If you are asking yourself this question, chances are it may be beneficial. In order  to make a deeper assessment, there are several factors to consider. First of all, reflect on the challenges you face in achieving your business goals. Is it a lack of clarity, time, ideas, resources or support? If you responded “yes” to any of the above, it is worth to consider coaching. Second, assess your commitment level and constrains in terms of budget and priorities. Coaching can only work if both sides are committed to reach the desired outcome. And finally, research different coaching options and interview several coaches to find the right fit.

Coaching is a very powerful tool for obtain long-term business benefits and performance improvement. But as a business leader, you must be intentional it.

What are some common challenges that you help clients overcome?

There are two groups of challenges that come up consistently during the coaching. First group is connected to the issues with business growth. There could be multiple reasons for that: unclear strategy, ineffective sales process, unhelpful team dynamics and more. As an outsider, I can provide an unbiased view on the situation as well as support in developing options to remedy it. The second group of challenges relate to the founder or CEO themselves. Their role involves significant pressures, need to multitask, and frequent swings of circumstances. Hence it could become increasingly hard to manage own stress and motivation while putting off daily business fires. The advantage of having a coach is the possibility to step away from immediate tasks and to reflect on a bigger vision for business and self. Like in driving, a leader needs to keep the focus on the ultimate goal while navigating short-term challenges. And sometimes this goal needs to be re-assessed. So as a coach, I will be testing some underlying assumptions in order to uncover deep interests as well as potential blockages.

Do you work with both scale-ups and established businesses?

Absolutely. Business strategy and leadership are essential at any stage of company’s development.

What is the duration and frequency of coaching sessions?

Usually, we determine that together with the client at the beginning of the coaching engagement. For individual coaching, the most common structure is one session per week with an average duration of 1,5 hours. For Advisory Board services, it depends on the urgency of the issues to address. So it could be rather intensive at the beginning, then fading out to the quarterly meetings.

Which results can I expect from working with you ?

In coaching, it really takes two to tango. Hence the results depend on the consistent actions that have a compound effect over time. If you are committed to follow through on our agreed action plan, you may expect more clarity, faster progress in overcoming business issues and better self-awareness and motivation.

How can I best benefit from online courses and resources offered on your website?

These resources exist as a self-service offer. So the best would be to test them on your own and reach out for an ad-hoc consultation, should my help be required in applying the learning.

Where do you get the topics for your blog posts?

I write on topics that come up in my conversations with start-up founders, CEOs, and business leaders. That gives me the assurance that I do not spend my time on the matters that have no practical implications. Additionally, I like adding a creative twist to each post, so that it’s also fun to read.

What are the advantages of working with you on company presentations and pitch decks?

During my corporate career, I was regularly asked to work on Board presentations, including for the most controversial projects. So I am used to creating decks for the decision-makers who would be challenging every bullet point on them. Thus, I learned to be very efficient in the presentations delivered by company’s executives.

With my current clients, I ask lots of questions about the audience, pitch objectives, competition, potential objections, as these are essential for successful pitches. The advantage of working with me is that I can help the client not only to clarify the points above, but also design impactful slides and train the speaker to deliver them.

Why would a company need a toolkit in specific areas of business?

Toolkits are a quintessence of business wisdom both within and outside the organization. Such wisdom is derived from a collective experience and often exists in people minds and, sometimes, on their laptops. But what happens when employees leave the company ? They take a part of that wisdom with them. Having a toolkit helps to formalize the existing expertise and to ensure its continuity.

I always work with the teams to design the toolkits that best captures their know-how.

What sets your workshops and trainings apart?

The key differentiator is that they are multidisciplinary and multidimensional. I trust that complex business subjects cannot be tackled from a highly specialized perspective. Rather, there is a need for a holistic approach to consider the topic from multiple angles. For example, in partnership training, there will be business aspects, but also psychology techniques of establishing rapport and overcoming disagreements. Statistics show that 70% of partnerships fail due to the partner issues, not business per se. But that human side is often overlooked in traditional trainings that focus mainly on the process and tools.

Can you describe your approach to key-note speeches?

I would work with the client to understand their objectives for the event, key messages, as well as the audience. I will then craft the speech and the visuals to incorporate these inputs. Based on that, I’ll choose the strategies to engage the listeners both during and after the talk. My goal is to make the audience reflect and to inspire them to take action.