Entrepreneurs are busy changing the world. We support your mission and help you to deliver results. Thus, we focus on the topics that are highly relevant to business leaders, design an efficient format and create a 100% authentic content. 



As a business leader, you make operational decisions daily. They are  never obvious. Rather they blend in multiple  business and human factors. approach is holistic and reflects the complex reality. We view business problems from multiple angles, combining  inputs from diverse areas:

  • business  strategy, sales, partnerships, team management
  • psychology and  NLP 
  • executive communications
  • theater improvisation and more.

Thus, each course provides a unique integrated perpective on key business topics.


Time management

You are busy running the business. So adding a study time to your agenda may feel like an overkill.

That is why helps you to gain the knowledge in the most practical way.

First, our on-line courses are user-friendly and time-efficient due to: 

  • Short video format
  • Real-life examples
  • Downloadable PDF summaries.

Second, our off-line trainings and workshops are:

  • fast-paced
  • highly interactive
  • customizable in length. 

No muss, no fuss, 


Happy work

When you invest, you expect the results. Therefore, we are laser-focused on delivering tangible outcomes and maximizing your return on investment. 

Our courses and trainings are known to be:

  • well-structured
  • packed with case studies, real-life examples and practical assignments
  • featured with unique innovative tools. 

As a result, you can get immediate gains and improvements in your business. While self-reflection exercises can shift your life perspective in unexpected ways, bringing a lasting impact. 


Happy team

Why forcing yourself to study? Learning should be easy, fun, and engaging. That is why our trainings are filled with multimedia, stories,  humour, interactions and action!

Be prepared to be surprised. You will discover unconventional strategies and get the opportunities to practice them right away.

 The end game is to help you to achieve your goals in a more intentional, enjoyable, and less stressful way.  

Are you ready to get ahead of competitors with out-of-box business approach? Check-out brief introductions below for more details.

want to get fresh ideas for your business?

take a course today

impact negotiations

Relevant to all business professionals, this on-line course offers an unconventional approach to negotiations and includes:

  • Creating a negotiation basket
  • Biggest mistakes to avoid 
  • Best kept negotiations secrets 
  • Original ways to overcome deadlocks
  • Real-life examples in professional and personal negotiations
Play Video about Business people engaged in negotiation about business sale.

Negotiate better without changing who you are

Business people engaged in negotiation about business sale.
Coming soon
Business partners discussing success strategies for their joint venture.
Succeed in new ventured and avoid hidden traps

2-day intensive workshop

partner like a pro

Targeted at leaders of strategic alliances, partnerships and joint ventures, this highly practical workshop includes:

  • 10 commandments for partnerships
  • Stages, challenges and deal breakers along the way 
  • Partner selection and due diligence
  • Key success factors &  KPIs
  • Case studies and experience sharing

women on top

Designed exclusively for female leaders and delivered with passion and compassion, this original training includes: 

  • Personal leadership styles
  • Negotiation and influence
  • Embracing changes and failures
  • Building bridges to the future
  • Role-play and group discussions
Female leaders discussing challenges and opportunities for female leadership
Tap into your uniqueness for greater impact

1-day interactive training