This business storytelling Vlog is designed as mini-series of interviews on trending business topics such as change management, negotiations, start-ups, and more.

Each topic is viewed from the perspectives of different professions that deal with it on a daily basis. Our guests share their personal and professional experiences, reflect on multiple strategies, and provide unconventional advice. How similar or different will be the views of our subject matter experts?

Watch their real-life stories of successes, failures and lessons learned from both.

"Negotiation" INTERVIEWS

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What negotiations tricks can you learn from your dog? Watch this funny and entertaining video with some very serious negotiation strategies.

Marcus Chan

Who is better placed to give a negotiations advice when a sales coach? Marcus shares his best tips, starting with “Respond, not react”

Giovanni Esposito

 Airline industry enthusiast, Giovanni gives examples of how out-of-box thinking helps him to find solutions to the most unexpected situations.

Luis Ore

When negotiations grow into conflict, parties need a win-win solution. Luis navigates complexity, applying strategic tools such as “Heal, then deal”

"Start-up" Interviews

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Why starting own business is similar to deciding to have a baby? Olga and fellow entrepreneurs share advice on where to start when starting up.

John Zimmer

Can you leave behind a corporate career and become an entrepreneur at the age of 53? John shares his  lessons learned, such as: you can’t please everybody.

Benoit Ragot

Managing teams is hard. Benoit speaks about founder challenges and keys elements for success, such as  making tough decisions fast. 

Judit Petho

Can you choose your investors? Is it dangerous to fall in love with your own product? When is the best time to launch? Judit shares her vast mentor experience. 

"Change" Interviews

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Which unexpected situations can you face in a courtroom? And what is the best way to manage those change? Olga tells her story and… a smile.

John Gaudet

When you take control over people’s lives, you’d better be equipped to handle sudden changes. John shares his professional and personal learnings.   

Lia Leveillé Mettral

Improvisation actor life and work are unpredictable. What’s their secret to manage uncertainty? “There are no mistakes” argues Lia and shares a story.

Charles de Tourney

Turn-around managers ride on an emotional roller coaster, often with dangerous turns. Fortunately, Charles’ entire life has prepared him for taking risks.

Swithun Still

Is it possible to earn $1M during an unexpected market shift? “Absolutely” say Swithun and explains how traders leverage changes and volatility.